

A company leading the future with the world's first-class technology and competitive edge


We are realizing a global-level manufacturing quality based on constant change and innovation.

DONGJAE's world-recognized quality
is completed with the latest facility.

In order to meet the rapidly changing industrial environment and various needs of our customers,
we are investing actively to understand the global trends in various industries such as machine
manufacturing and precision processing, and to predict in advance to maintain better quality.

  • CNC Boring (Doosan/DB130C) X = 3,000, Y = 2,000, Z = 1,600, W = 700
  • HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTER (WIA/KH80G) X = 1,250, Y = 1,000, Z = 850
  • HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTER (WIA/KH80G) X = 1,250, Y = 1,000, Z = 850
  • VERTICAL MACHINING CENTER (Doosan Infracore/VM960)X = 2,200, Y = 950, Z = 800
  • VERTICAL MACHINING CENTER (Doosan Infracore/VM960)X = 2,200, Y = 950, Z = 800
  • VERTICAL MACHINING CENTER (Doosan Infracore/MYNX7500,50)X = 1,525, Y = 762, Z = 625
  • VERTICAL MACHINING CENTER (Doosan Infracore/MYNX7500,50)X = 1,525, Y = 762, Z = 625
  • VERTICAL MACHINING CENTER (WIA/VX750M)X = 1,600, Y = 750, Z = 625
  • VERTICAL MACHINING CENTER (HwacheonENG, ECOMIL-65V)X = 1,300, Y = 650, Z = 650
  • VERTICAL MACHINING CENTER (WIA/VX750M)X = 1,600, Y = 750, Z = 625
  • HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTER (HM630-6PALLET)X = 1,000, Y = 800, Z = 850
  • HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTER (HM630)X = 1,000, Y = 800, Z = 850